Vancouver TheatreSports Pokes Fun at Going Back to School

It hurts to say it but September is fast approaching (parents might be cheering the return of school!). The lazy days of summer are soon going to be replaced again with books, exams, and recess snacks.

To help ease the pain, Vancouver TheatreSports (VTS) is launching a brand new show that will celebrate the humour in school and its many clichés.

From September 3 to October 6, 2018 (7:30pm start time), VTS (1502 Duranleau Street) will be presenting Back to School TheatreSports, a show that finds hilarity in all things academic-related. Students going back to school will be able to relate to the abundance of jokes, while those no longer studying will still enjoy the nostalgic chuckles.

TheatreSports teams will compete against each other in various short form improv games, with the usual referee replaced by a Principal intent on policing the rules and eager to assign detention time if they are broken.

Throughout the show, players will find themselves acting out stereotypical school clique roles, such as jocks, popular kids, nerds, and rebels. As part of quintessential TheatreSports fun, audience members will aid in the show creation by offering suggestions for various scenes, in this case derived from their own school experiences and knowledge, such as late-night cramming for exams, crushing on someone in class, trying to close an overstuffed locker, passing notes when the teacher isn’t looking, and (tsk tsk) skipping class to go to the mall. Tickets begin at $10.75 for students ($10.75 for seniors and $15.75 for adults).

VTS also has a number of other shows running to choose from, including Ok Tinder – Swipe Right Comedy, Mixed Improv Arts, Rookie Nights, WTF – What the Fun! (17+ show inspired by on-line news stories), and classic TheatreSports.

Also well worth checking out before it ends September 1, 2018, is Avocado Toast – Vancouver Grown, Free-Range Comedy, an improv show that lampoons Vancouver’s foibles, idiosyncrasies, and general lunacies in a side splitting way. Think yoga meets bike lanes meets incessant rain.

All tickets and further info can be found on-line.

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