Visit the B.C. Gay and Lesbian Archives in Vancouver’s West End

Ron Dutton, sorting through a piece of the Archives | Image via Vancouver Courier, photo by Dan Toulgoet

By Casey Stepaniuk

If you’re not a LGBTQ+ library/archives nerd like me, you probably don’t even know that nestled in Vancouver’s West End is the B.C. Gay and Lesbian Archives, an incredible resource preserving the history of both Vancouver and the wider province’s LGBTQ+ populations. Late last year, I visited the Archives to do some research on the history of Vancouver’s LGBTQ+ Out on the Shelves Library (more on that in a future post!). I was astounded at the breadth and depth of material and at the dedication of the archivist Ron Dutton, who selflessly runs the archives out of his own apartment!

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Visit the B.C. Gay and Lesbian Archives in Vancouver’s West End

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